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Staythorpe C Power Station under construction
This is a new Combine Cycle Gas Turbine power station being built alongside the River Trent near Nottingham.
It is on the site of the old Staythorpa A and B coal-fired stations which were opened/closed in 1950/1983 and 1962/1994 respectively. Permission to build a gas-fired plant was given in 1993 and construction started in 1998. It was then stopped in 2000 because of excess capacity in the industry, and low prices. Following the take-over of the British company Npower by RWE, the decision was taken to reactivate the Staythorpe site at the expense of one at Milford Haven in west Wales, and construction recommenced in 2008. The plant is due to open in 2010.
This view shows the state of construction at the end of November 2009, The four turbine generating halls to the left have been completed. Work is progressing on the Gas Turbine/Heat exchanger units, together with the pair of chimneys for the two most southerly units. Each unit is rated at just over 400MW, giving a total capacity of 1650MW, making it the second largest gas turbine power station in the UK. It is capable of running on fuel oil as well as gas.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Alan Murray Rust
Tous photos dés:Alan Murray Rust - anzeigen
Date d'ajout: 3 Jan 2010
Dimensions:1000 x 667 pixels
Affichées:6684 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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