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Van Schaïk-tunnel (Tunnel NEKAMI)
In 1916, the "Kalkmergelmaatschappij St-Pietersberg" (Limestone Company St-Pietersberg) started excavating limestone on the west side of Sint-Pietersberg in Maastricht (NL). Initially, transport to the Maastricht-Liège canal at the east side took place via a funicular.
In 1928, the company obtained a permit to construct a mountain tunnel through Sint-Pietersberg for the transport of limestone. In that year, construction began according to the design of D.C. van Schaïk. Picture shows the entrance at the east side of the tunnel.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Niko Cobben
Tous photos dés:Niko Cobben - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:22 Jan 2023
Dimensions:950 x 679 pixels
Affichées:1745 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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