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Speicher XI
Speicher XI in Bremen Überseestadt was built between 1908 and 1912 as a cotton warehouse. Initially there were the two warehouses XI and XIII, which were connected by a company building after the Second World War. This made it 403 meters long. It still stands in today's Überseestadt at the former overseas port, which was filled in in 1999 to create building space for industry and commerce. The building has now been renovated and is used, among other things, by the University of the Arts, the Center for Building Culture and the Harbor Museum. The Bremen wholesale market now stands on the former site of the overseas port, essentially in the foreground of the picture, so that the view of the entire Speicher XI has been blocked forever. The photo was taken on July 18, 1999. It was a Sunday. My location was in the middle of the former overseas port, which had already been filled. You can still see part of the sand filling on the right in the picture. Luckily, I had a medium format camera and later digitized the eight 6x7 negatives and assembled them into one image. The very next working day, the view was blocked by a number of construction machines and construction vehicles and one could no longer and was not allowed to enter the site.
Fotografin / Fotograf:Rainer Baltschun
Alle Bilder von:Rainer Baltschun - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:21.März 2024
Abmessungen:2560 x 205 Pixel
Angezeigt:1363 mal
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