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The factory building "Wormerveer"
Has been build in 1882 and is unique because it has a timber frame construction with stone casing: transition from the traditional timber construction to the "modern" plant construction. It's also the last existing example of a so called "Gorterfabriek": contractor Gorter had developed a standard design for a steam factory that could be ordered in different dimensions. Till the end of the 20th century it has been used by the paint factory Storm, Van Bentum & Kluyver (SBK).
It has been recently classified as a listed building.
At the Zaan in Wormerland (NL)
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Niko Cobben
Tous photos dés:Niko Cobben - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:14 Jan 2012
Dimensions:950 x 686 pixels
Affichées:5441 fois
Favoris:Supprimer des favoris


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