CIECH Soda Polska, zaklady sodowe w Janikowie | CIECH Soda Polska, the Janikowo soda ash plant
The main natural resources in Cuiavia (Kujawy) region are a limestone and brine. The Janikowo soda ash plant makes from it a light and dense soda ash and evaporated salt. The production started in 1957 and it's one of two soda ash producers in Poland. Plant is owned by CIECH Group, one of the biggest polish chemical companies. The limestone from Kujawy quarry is transported by industrial cableway. The Mogilno salt mine supplies plant by brine. It is connected with that works by pipeline system.
A view of new salt department on left and part of limestone cableway in front of it. The yellow building with chimney on the middle is a part of industrial cogeneration plant. A part of coke storage with loading tower are on right.